Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8th, 2010

Chapter 6
“What was the main purpose behind Mr. Darcey’s actions? Any body? Come on now, you all should know this by now.” Mrs. Rachel ask the class.
No answered. They just looked around the room, as if they were looking for the answer. Really through, the students were anticipating the school bell to ring and signal the arrive of summer. This time, it was more then summer vacation, it was the start of theses seniors lives.
“If you guys don’t answer I can hold you guys in after school.”
With that about ten hand shoot up in the sky.
“He wanted to get in her pants, but could find another way to do it, so he did it that way.” a boy with short dirty blonde shouted out.
“Because he secretly wanted to help her.” a girl in the front row answered.
“Come on kids, lets get more in deep.” The teacher clarified.
“He was looking out for his friend, because he knew that if he married the girl the relationship won’t have lasted. Which would of looked bad on Mr. Darcey’s friend’s part. Also the whole different classes thing was an issue.” A girl in the back row with long, black, wavy hair answered.
“Correct. So you guys owe it to Brittney for your freedom from school.” The teacher responded.
As if on cue the bell rang. As students rushed out the room you can here muttered thank you’s coming from the class as they passed the girl who answered the question which set them free. She grateful accepted them and left room.
Its been four years, no maybe five years since I’ve left London. I remember carrying my friends lifeless body out of the house. The house that once was my safe, enticing haven, which is now a leopard to me. I took my friends body to a meadow where we danced. I laid her under a willow tree, where we’ve laughed at Victoria’s dry sense of humor.
Ever since that night, I swore I would never go back. I was going to forget what I am, and stay away from anything that had anything to do with God. He killed my friend and did who knows what with my other.
Victoria, I haven’t heard or seen her for, well five years. I had no contact with anything, or anyone. I thought for sure I would get tracked by the dark angels, or maybe even Maxine or Michael. I haven’t heard anything, and I expected nothing. Till last night happened.
I was hoping that I would never have to deal with this whole angel business for a long time. I was even hoping I would never hear about it. But last night reminded me of it all. My dream were the exact same as the night before I was taken by the dark angels, or what ever they were. It was the image of a feathery rabbit, because that is what Lilly, and Victoria wanted me to believe. The rabbit danced around the meadow and was smiling n evil grin. Then when it seemed like the rabbit was tired it would stop and turn towards me whispering something. Then, poof! My dream was over.
“Brittney! Hey! Brittney!” Yelled an blonde with long wavy blonde hair from a far. “ Hey! Are you going to the party tonight? Its gonna be bomb! it’s the last high school party of our lives!” she continued.
“Uhhh… Sure I guess, Max’s house right?” I responded.
“Yeah. If you can you should bring some drinks to celebrate with.” And with that she walked away.
I guess theses last few years I’ve been enjoying my 17 year old body. I left London, of course, and moved into United States. I currently reside in San Diego, California. The first two years after I left London I just rented a house in northern Washington, and just stayed inside and watched the continuous rain fall. That’s all I wanted to do, and ....

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1st 2010

Chapter 5
I assume you, as a reader, are waiting for me to find my friends and return with them to Maxine, and Michael’s humble home. Yet, I’m here to tell you differently. How I wish I could return to them. To thank Michael for his directions, and to be able to learn more about what I am. This is what happen when I approached London.
My mind raced as a mouse’s heart would if caught by a cat. But I, unlike that foolish mouse, was not caught. I was nearing the city. London was in my sights. Its bright lights shone like the stars in the sky. Cars honked their noisy tunes, and the mist crawled in, and I could less about any of it through. My wings ache, and I wondered if they would fall off. Was that possible?
Big Ben struck ten o’clock. At that moment, my adrenaline kicked in, or at least I believed. Some thing wasn’t right. I felt it. My heart kicked into second gear. It felt like a repeat of day before I left. When I was racing with Lilly. I landed on the rooftops, and began to sprint hard. Harder then I have ever before. I sprinted for home. I was anxious for my home.
My feet began to feel numb, from the powerful pounding of my feet. My wings just glided along as I jumped from rooftops. I wanted to get home. Four, three, houses before I would reach home.
There I stood, motionless. Wings outs just hanging off my back. The door, or entrance to the dwelling which I have call home was blocked off. Wood planks crossd the frame. The same practice was done to the windows two. Some of the outside brick were breaking off. Its like the building lost its glow, or ability to hold itself together. No lights shown in from the window. I heard no footsteps, or no voices.
I took several steps forward. My hands began to trace the door frame under the wooden blockades. There was not warmth within it. I was only gone for a few days. Maybe 3 days at most? The door was locked shut. I mustered any energy I had left and kicked it down like the military does.
All at once a musty smell overwhelmed me. The house seem abandon. Maybe they were sent away to some new town. I walk in, the floor boards creaked. It was as if years and years of time hit this place. Something wasn’t right.
I stepped forward and the floor beneath me creaked. Then I heard a noise. It was like rustling of feathers and papers. I quickly searched the first floor. Nothing. Second floor? Nothing. Third floor? Nothing. As I raced up the stairs to the fourth floor I shook with terror.
Something was going on, and it definitely isn’t good. I stop in front of the door going into the fourth floor. Smears of blood scatted the door an wall around it. Feathers peaked from under the door. My heart tremored in an anticipation. I open the door to my nightmare.
Lilly laid sprawled out across the bed. She looked pale, and her veins showed through her skin. Her face was downward in a pile of feathers. The worst part, was she had no wings. Her back looked like it was being clawed at. A disturbing wave came over me, when I realized that the craw marks could be well a human hand. Or something with human hands.
I ran over to her and check to see if she had pulse nothing. I screamed to her through my mind, but nothing. I had no connections with the angel next to me. Tears began to stream down my face, and I felt like I had to do something. I crawled on to the bed next to her. I turn body up facing me.
Her eyes were a black like the ace of spades on a poker card. The looked directly up. Her Body was so cold. It unreal to feel her hand with out it being warm. We take human warmth for granted. I took my shaking hands and closed her eyes. I just held her there, un caring about the fact that her blood would ruin my clothes. I sobbed for hours to me, thinking about all the memories with her. Then, a thought hit me.
Victoria! I searched the room with urgent eyes. Piles of feathers flew around the room while I searched raucously looking for any sign. There was nothing. She was no where. Then a wave of rage, and anger flooded over me. How could Victoria just leave with no sign. Not only leave without and information, but leave Lilly like this. My wings still out pulsated and sent all feathers flying around the room, when, I heard the sound of paper crackling. I stopped turned around, an saw a torn up piece of parchment. The writing was bold and beautiful. My heart stopped. I’ve only seen that writing on rare occasions. I cautiously walked towards it, eye it. The remain feathers that were afloat, rest on the floor as I picked up the parchment.
My friends, I know you have served me well, and have done what I have asked of you. But I must be honest and tell you what your TRUE purpose is. Your Life as you know it will get harder, and life threatening at times, but I ask of you to keep your promises, and help them. One day you will soon be at rest, but this is no time for resting. They have tampered with their salvation and have interrupted my great plans.
I have always heard your prayers, and I have tried to keep you out of this as long as possible, but times a hard. Your not alone in this world.
-Big Guy Upstairs

At least he actually signed it.

5 Years Later