Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8th, 2010

Chapter 6
“What was the main purpose behind Mr. Darcey’s actions? Any body? Come on now, you all should know this by now.” Mrs. Rachel ask the class.
No answered. They just looked around the room, as if they were looking for the answer. Really through, the students were anticipating the school bell to ring and signal the arrive of summer. This time, it was more then summer vacation, it was the start of theses seniors lives.
“If you guys don’t answer I can hold you guys in after school.”
With that about ten hand shoot up in the sky.
“He wanted to get in her pants, but could find another way to do it, so he did it that way.” a boy with short dirty blonde shouted out.
“Because he secretly wanted to help her.” a girl in the front row answered.
“Come on kids, lets get more in deep.” The teacher clarified.
“He was looking out for his friend, because he knew that if he married the girl the relationship won’t have lasted. Which would of looked bad on Mr. Darcey’s friend’s part. Also the whole different classes thing was an issue.” A girl in the back row with long, black, wavy hair answered.
“Correct. So you guys owe it to Brittney for your freedom from school.” The teacher responded.
As if on cue the bell rang. As students rushed out the room you can here muttered thank you’s coming from the class as they passed the girl who answered the question which set them free. She grateful accepted them and left room.
Its been four years, no maybe five years since I’ve left London. I remember carrying my friends lifeless body out of the house. The house that once was my safe, enticing haven, which is now a leopard to me. I took my friends body to a meadow where we danced. I laid her under a willow tree, where we’ve laughed at Victoria’s dry sense of humor.
Ever since that night, I swore I would never go back. I was going to forget what I am, and stay away from anything that had anything to do with God. He killed my friend and did who knows what with my other.
Victoria, I haven’t heard or seen her for, well five years. I had no contact with anything, or anyone. I thought for sure I would get tracked by the dark angels, or maybe even Maxine or Michael. I haven’t heard anything, and I expected nothing. Till last night happened.
I was hoping that I would never have to deal with this whole angel business for a long time. I was even hoping I would never hear about it. But last night reminded me of it all. My dream were the exact same as the night before I was taken by the dark angels, or what ever they were. It was the image of a feathery rabbit, because that is what Lilly, and Victoria wanted me to believe. The rabbit danced around the meadow and was smiling n evil grin. Then when it seemed like the rabbit was tired it would stop and turn towards me whispering something. Then, poof! My dream was over.
“Brittney! Hey! Brittney!” Yelled an blonde with long wavy blonde hair from a far. “ Hey! Are you going to the party tonight? Its gonna be bomb! it’s the last high school party of our lives!” she continued.
“Uhhh… Sure I guess, Max’s house right?” I responded.
“Yeah. If you can you should bring some drinks to celebrate with.” And with that she walked away.
I guess theses last few years I’ve been enjoying my 17 year old body. I left London, of course, and moved into United States. I currently reside in San Diego, California. The first two years after I left London I just rented a house in northern Washington, and just stayed inside and watched the continuous rain fall. That’s all I wanted to do, and ....

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